Commanding One’s Environment

O Astrologer, 

Command your environment.

What is the environment we speak of here?

One’s Astrology arsenal,…

…physical and mental health,…

…connection to the person asking…

…and connection to the Universe. 

That’s it. 

That’s the parameter one’s focus is going to revolve in.

One doesn’t need more to do a great reading. 

Mental and physical health is an outcome of lifestyle. 

One’s lifestyle is one’s lookout. 

A hap-hazard lifestyle will lead to low-quality readings and vice-versa. 

One’s Astrology arsenal is the per saldo vector of where one’s been with Astrology, what all one has seen, and where one is now. This will stand by one’s side in the next reading, becoming stronger and stronger with each step.  

Sit close the to the person asking. Shake hands. Auras will intermingle. Let your system get an idea of the person’s vibration. Let your biochemistry begin churning with the person’s vibration. Breathe the air in the room a number of times. 

Go over the chart. 

Again and again and again. 


…to the Universe through the chart…

…and to the person asking through the proximity. 

Bind both the connections. 

Let your system churn. 

Knowledge will flash in your mind. 

That’s the output of the churning. 

Start speaking. 

Let the person’s body-language fine-tune what’s coming onto your tongue and out of your mouth. 

Many times, you’ll be surprised at the stuff that comes out of you and hits the person at hand like a dagger. 

You can see the person’s hair standing on end, with his or her skin breaking out into goosebumps. 

Then you know, that the reading is progressing well.