
It is said that every 7 years, each cell in the human body is a new one. 

In other words, in seven years, the human body is completely overhauled. 

Also, there is a nervous focal point in one’s palm that is directly connected to the breath. This focal point directly affects the lines of the palms. Thus, these lines are indirectly affected by how we breathe. Translation from breath to line takes 7 years. Thus, one’s palm lines show how one’s been breathing (living) over the last 7 years. 

Overhaul doesn’t cut it. 

Metamorphosis is a better word. 

We evolve. 

Devolution is never really far away. Just a D separates it from evolution. However, we are watchful. We evolve.

Most of the stuff written below in this space – well – was written way back in 2003. 

It was languishing. 

On a whim, I decided to upload it in 2014. 

I didn’t write on Astrology between 2003 and now. 

Yesterday, I started writing on Astrology again. 

You will, of course, see the difference in styles immediately. 

This is a prime example of metamorphosis.

I’ve struggled over the last 14 years. 

If you go by what above analogies are saying, I’ve overhauled twice in this time. 

Therefore, output today will definitely be different. 

These are not 2 different people physically, but mentally, yes, these are 2 different people writing. 


Evolution is one side-effect of struggle. 

Words flow. 

I don’t have to look for them. 

They just come. 

There’s a golden rule for words. 

When they come, let them flow. 

Don’t stop them, for heaven’s sake. 

Hence, here they are. 

Bear with me. 
