
Constructs are built on pillars. 

If the pillars are off, walls come tumbling down. 

Pillars need to be spot on. 

Today we’ll speak about three very basic and vital pillars. 

We look at these pillars after casting, to see if any manual mistake has been made while casting. 

I’m sure everyone does this already. 

However, checking up on whether the chart has been cast properly is such a basic and non-negotiable activity, that the pillars of casting deserve reiteration. 

Ok, so you’ve just cast a chart. Let’s say you’re doing a Prashna, and have just fed the details into your device, and your device spits out a chart. 

What’s the next step?


See if the chart is proper.

Perhaps you’ve made a mistake. 

You can check your details, but that’s not a double-check. 

What you want here is a double-check. 

Something that tells you in a snapshot that yes, this is the correct chart, and I can go into interpretation without any tension. 

You look at the Sun.

In the chart, is the Sun where it should be, on, lets say the 4th of April?

Sun changes its sign between the 14th and the 17th of a month. Roughly, in your mind, you know, that around let’s say the 14th of April, the Sun enters Aries. We’re talking Vedic Astrology. 

So on the 4th of April, the Sun should be roughly 10 degrees or so short of Aries. In other words, it should be around the 20 degree mark in Pisces, give or take some minutes. Fine?


Not fine?

You’ve fed in the wrong date. 

Correct it. 

Check again. 



Time. 7:12 pm. 

At sunrise, Sun was in the Lagna. 

Therefore, after sunset, the Lagna should be 7 houses or more away from the sunrise Lagna. Is it?



You’ve fed in the wrong time. Correct it. Check again. Fine?



Is your chart reflecting 2017?

Are the slow-moving bodies where they should be?

Is Saturn in Sagittarius? Is Jupiter in Virgo. Are the nodes in Leo and Aquarius? Yes?

Good to go. 


You’ve fed in the wrong year. 

Correct it. Check. Proper positions? Yes. 

Go ahead with interpretation without any tension.