A Boon called Astrology

What’s the biggest benefit of Astrology to you?

Let’s go through the benefits that Astrology provides.

Bread and butter.





Good karma.

Fill in the blanks.

See what fits you.

The thing about bread and butter is, that swim you will.

You will find a source of income. 

It doesn’t have to be from Astrology. It can be, but it doesn’t have to be.

There’s something bigger here.

Much bigger.

In the silence, after everybody has gone, what remains with you?

Your friend. 


By now, many charts swim in your mind. 

They have become entities. 

You delve into them at will.

You get a kick when a combination unfolds into a new meaning.

Something fresh keeps revealing itself in your charts, throughout your entire life, as in through and through.

Astrology is…

…for life.

It keeps you FRESH.

It is a philosophy you can lean on, forever.

It gives fulfillment.

After all the dust has settled, what do you want more?

More material sutff…

…or fulfillment?

Why are you still looking here and there?




Do your work.

Is there a need to see what the other fellow is doing?

Frankly, no.

However, we are inquisitive.

We might want to see how the craft is evolving.

Fine and fair enough.

Can we keep it at that?

That’s the tough part.

Instead of looking here and there to evolve, we look here and there to see how the other fellow is doing.

As in, how successful is the other fellow?

Somehow, this is one question that intrigues us.

Can we get over this hurdle?

It is stopping us from evolution.

It is distracting our energies.

It is lowering the quality of our readings.

One way is to not do Astrology for money.

Not everyone enjoys that luxury.

Let’s say you are in a situation where the craft is your bread-winner.


So be it.

How can you still get over the hurdle?

Everyone likes recognition.

However, since you are already stuck with the money angle, you can try and keep the craving-for-recognition angle out.

Do your craft. Win your bread. Advertize. Fine. Try and starve the craving for recognition, though. Why?

This craving will make you lose important energy. Save this energy for your craft.

Once you are doing quality readings, recognition will follow automatically.

There might then come a time when you are happy seeing the other fellow succeed.


It is said that every 7 years, each cell in the human body is a new one. 

In other words, in seven years, the human body is completely overhauled. 

Also, there is a nervous focal point in one’s palm that is directly connected to the breath. This focal point directly affects the lines of the palms. Thus, these lines are indirectly affected by how we breathe. Translation from breath to line takes 7 years. Thus, one’s palm lines show how one’s been breathing (living) over the last 7 years. 

Overhaul doesn’t cut it. 

Metamorphosis is a better word. 

We evolve. 

Devolution is never really far away. Just a D separates it from evolution. However, we are watchful. We evolve.

Most of the stuff written below in this space – well – was written way back in 2003. 

It was languishing. 

On a whim, I decided to upload it in 2014. 

I didn’t write on Astrology between 2003 and now. 

Yesterday, I started writing on Astrology again. 

You will, of course, see the difference in styles immediately. 

This is a prime example of metamorphosis.

I’ve struggled over the last 14 years. 

If you go by what above analogies are saying, I’ve overhauled twice in this time. 

Therefore, output today will definitely be different. 

These are not 2 different people physically, but mentally, yes, these are 2 different people writing. 


Evolution is one side-effect of struggle. 

Words flow. 

I don’t have to look for them. 

They just come. 

There’s a golden rule for words. 

When they come, let them flow. 

Don’t stop them, for heaven’s sake. 

Hence, here they are. 

Bear with me. 


Is it a Competition?

You tell me.

Is Astrology a competition for you?

Who are you competing against?

Are you happy competing?

Or does it not make you happy?


Instinctively, Astrology should make the Astrologer happy.

I’ll try and answer this question from my end.

Is Astrology a competition for me?


Is Astrology giving me happiness?


Was Astrology a competition for me?

In the earlier stages, yes.

Who was I competing against?

Fellow Astrologers.

Was I happy?

Meaning, was I deriving happiness from Astrology?


What turned it?


Realized, that there was no competition on at all.

My experience and evolution with Astrology was my own.

I could take it to any level I wished.

Nobody else was in the picture.

Just me, and the people who asked for help.

That’s it.

There was no other Astrologer in the picture.

I didn’t need to consult.

Answers came from within.

So – there was no competition that was on.

My journey was unique, as was every other Astrologer’s.

The race-element now being over, the happiness-element kicked in.

Think about it.

During a reading, you evolve.

That’s your evolution.

And then comes the next reading, and the next, and so on and so forth.

After twenty odd years, you have travelled.

Your journey is your journey.

Others have travelled other journeys – their own journeys.

You emit your vibration.

Others emit their own vibration.

We attract seekers as per our vibration.

It’s uncanny how people come along needing exactly that interpretation which you then hit upon while doing their reading.

This happens because of their unique requirement resonating with your unique journey.

That’s how they get attracted to you.