Lagna Lagna Rising Bright

How does the Lagna rise?

Head first? Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Aquarius rise with head first, indicating a good and sincere query, and favouring fulfilment of query.

Feet first? Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius and Capricorn rise with feet first, possibly indicating impure-hearted or insincere queries, and also possibly well leading to failure. 

Pisces rises with both head and feet, which is considered middling to not so bad, as in delay could then be followed by a positive outcome. 

Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are movable Lagnas, and they speak of change in the situation.

Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius are fixed Lagnas, and they denote status quo. 

Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces are dual / mutable Lagnas, and here, one needs to see their degree. 0 to 15 degrees makes them closer to the preceding fixed signs, favouring status quo. 15 to 30 degrees makes them closer to the following movable signs, favouring change in situation.

Logic might tell us, that if a natural benefic is sitting in Lagna, this could be considered good for the outcome of the query.

Is this necessarily so?

Let’s observe the following case, illuminated upon by Mr. Deepak Kapoor in one of his Prashna lectures at the Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan, New Delhi, in 2002.

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 Well, Jupiter’s influence on Lagna is generally good for outcome, but above case represents an “exception”.

Jupiter in the Lagna speaks of the querist’s philanthropic approach.

Aspecting the 7th, a good outcome is promised for the opponent, here the brother.

Thus, it would not be unimaginable that querist contemplates donating disputed property to brother.

Hence, Jupiter’s presence in Lagna here is not “good” for querist’s side of things.

Try replacing this Jupiter with Saturn.

Now, the querist will fight long and steadfast, tooth and nail, towards retaining the property. 

Analysis of query will depend upon nature of query. 

Let’s say a fixed Lagna comes up, and you’re asking about your job. Fixed job is indicated with nil movement. 

If a movable Lagna came up, a traveling job would be more befitting. 

Someone is ill.

Will the patient recover?

A movable Lagna comes up. 

Situation will change.

Recovery is indicated. 

Someone is ill.

It’s bad.

Querist doesn’t know if patient will survive.

Querist is battling with question in the mind. 

Finally, the querist asks.

Will the patient die?

It will be great if now a movable Lagna doesn’t come up.