The Life-Prashna

Let’s just stay with the muddled querist for a bit. 

Sympathy is something that is emerging from within us. 

We are practicing Astrology for many reasons. 

One of them is love. 

We love it, and we love to help. 

Therefore, we are trying to make something of this syndrome that the querist faces.

The question or questions are not emerging clearly. 

In fact, the querist, in his or her “stupor” (if I may use this word, you’re getting what I’m saying) has lost track of what exactly the query is. 

There are many hap-hazard questions being asked. Confusion rules. 

You’re not confused, though. 

You know what this is. 

This is a “life-Prashna” emerging. 

It’s a vital moment, laden with possibilities for many queries, revolving around a few core issues. All are contained in the life-Prashna.

Even though I have coined this phrase in this space, I’m sure you are confronted with similar situations all the time, and have coined a similar befitting phrase, or perhaps the same one. 

Who coined what doesn’t matter. 

We are here to do maximum good. That’s what matters. 

You ask the querist to rest for a moment, and to stop speaking. 

You draw up the life-Prashna. 

You check the basics. Sun (tallies the date), Lagna (tallies the time), slow-moving planets (tally the year), all tally. You are doing this to make sure you’ve not made any mistake while feeding in the details. This is a sort of a double check on the basis of the chart that has been calculated. You are going to do this every time, every time, every time that you cast a chart. Period.

Then, you start to speak.

You start to clear the querist’s confusion.

The not-so-important questions fall into the background. 

The core ones come into the front. 

Tackle the core ones. 

Others will all into line automatically. 

Let the quest’s body-language guide you. 

Clearance of confusion is your gauge. 

If you’re successfully progressing with this, you’ll keep seeing its reflection in the quest’s demeanor. 

Keep going. 

There will come a stage during the reading, where you are getting exhausted. 

Your connection to Universal energy through the Prashna chart has been vital for the querist, who has been able to tap into this energy through you as a medium. 

The conduit normally feels tiredness after such a process. It’s understandable that you are tired. 

Try and wind up. 

Well done, keep going, you’ll face many life-Prashna situations, and believe me, each one will consume you, presenting you simultaneously with immense opportunities to do maximum good.

All the best.


Knowing When a Prashna has been Asked

We live in a confusing world.

Imagine the plight of the querist.

With the mind engaged in burning questions, our confusing world makes the querist even more muddled up.

The querist is dying to ask a burning Prashna. He or she is, after all… …the querist.

Perhaps, he or she has even asked it.

The Astrologer needs to know if and when this has happened.

Simple, you’ll say.

A querist goes to an Astrologer, and pops the question, right?

Or just calls the Astrologer…., huh?

Well, yes, that’s the straightforward way.

Sometimes people don’t know that you are an Astrologer.

However, they are drawn to you.

You might hold the key to solving their issues, or at least helping them out.

The Universe has recognised this, and has guided these souls to you.

This is when you need to know when a Prashna has been asked.

You need to stay alert for this.

Alternately, you might be in a random conversation with a friend.

Now, your friend knows that you are an Astrologer.

However, your friend also knows that you are his or her friend.

He or she is talking to you as a friend.

He or she has probably even forgotten that you are an Astrologer.

Your friend might be troubled.

These troubles are probably being discussed with you.

Sometimes, people might be asking without spelling it out, or, sometimes, they might be asking without even asking.

Again, you need to know when a Prashna has been asked.

What is the moment of the Prashna?

Did you switch on to when the Prashna was being asked?

Times are tough, and times are demanding.

The Astrologer needs to keep adapting.