When Prashna Lagna coincides with Birth Lagna

Yup, this is a big one. 

For starters, the Prashna chart is then also the transit chart for the querist. 

Here, with Prashna Lagna coinciding with Birth Lagna, it’s an exact superimposition. 

So, everything you’re seeing in the Prashna chart is throwing at you another rope…

…to pull on, and see what the ramifications are when observed as a transit chart for the native, with added impetus both ways, because of same Lagnas.

Let’s observe this closely on the basis of a useable example. 

Assume that Jupiter is in the 4th House of the Prashna chart. 

This also means that current Jupiter is transiting the native’s 4th House in the birth-chart. 

In a theft-at-home-related query, where happiness-status of outcome is seen from the 4th house, well, you can pretty much look forward to a positive result…

…as in 4th House Jupiter for happy outcome after theft and 4th House transiting Jupiter for well-being at home. 

Sure, it’s a doctored example, and normally, things are not so straight-forward. However, it is just to illustrate the matter at hand. 

Jokes apart, what are the implications on a Karma level?

Coincidence of Prashna and Birth Lagnas means for me that the field has been cleared for a good (nay, a great) reading to come through.

It means synergy. 



Lack of blockage.



Nature is towing the line. 

The Universe wants a meaningful outcome here, because…

…querist is sincere,…

…and Astrologer is sincere,..

…and both have already earned a meaningful outcome (owing to karmic surplus).

Astrologer has been endowed with extra opportunity by the Universe while doing the reading, with 2 lines to tug at for each angle. 

There is such intensity welling up inside the querist, that one could say that this has forced Lagna’s hand. 

The Astrologer’s ears are at stretch too, for he or she has just gotten a huge hint, that something deep has come for scrutiny. 

I like deep. 

It makes me learn. 

Deep learning is such that one gets goosebumps. 

One never forgets deep learning. 

Thus, the querist also teaches the Astrologer.

Readings work both ways.